Scania AB (STO:SCV-B) last week announced the launch of its Euro 6 emissions compliant ethanol engine for trucks and the first order for the new product.
The Swedish truck and bus maker will supply 17 ethanol-powered dairy delivery trucks to Danish international dairy company Arla. The fleet will serve the Greater Stockholm area in Sweden.
Scania said there was a growing interest in using ethanol for heavy vehicles, including buses. Countries such as India and South Africa are currently examining the scope for large-scale introduction, with ethanol having the advantage of being domestically produced and creating local jobs, it added.
The potential of ethanol to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by up to 90% has been verified recently in a three-year study of heavy vehicle deliveries, conducted by the City of Stockholm. The study involved a fleet of Euro 5 ethanol trucks, operated by Stockholm transport company Kyl- och Frysexpressen, Scania said.
Provided by SeeNews exclusively for Essentica.