The Argentine government is looking at lifting the volume of ethanol in gasoline to 27%, Energia Estrategica reported this week.
Following Mauricio Macri's election as president, the bioethanol blend in gasoline was raised to 12% from 10%. Further increases have been expected but did not happen up to now as government officials could not arrive at agreements with oil groups and carmakers, according to the article, which came ahead of a conference focused on bioethanol.
Now, however, the government is examining the possibility of replicating the Brazilian model, where the bioethanol blend is set at 27.5% and which incorporates flex fuel vehicles that can use up to 100% of biofuel.
An industry official told Energia Estrategica that going for 27% bioethanol would be good news for the sugar industry, which is important for the economies of some of the provinces in the north, noting also that the sector needs predictability.
Article by Renewables Now: Argentina looking at 27% bioethanol blend - report
Argentina looking at 27% bioethanol blend - report