Sweet sorghum can be an effective feedstock for the production of ethanol, according to University of Florida researchers.
According to the Univesity of Florida researchers, Sweet Sorghum can be an effective feedstock for he production of ethanol.
The scientists have developed three sorghum varieties that they found could produce up to 1,000 gallons (3,785 litres) ethanol per acre from the sugars derived from the plant’s juice as well as the bagasse.
The researchers see big potential for fuel from sorghum in part because it is the fifth largest cereal crop globally and the third largest in the US. In Florida, it can be cultivated twice a year. The crop also needs little fertiliser and is drought resistant.
Ethanol from sweet sorghum can be used for both auto and jet fuel, according to the researchers, who have published their study in the journal Industrial Crops & Products.
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Researchers find sorghum can produce up to 1,000 gal/ac of ethanol