Zimbabwe's National Oil and Infrastructure Company (NOIC) aims to complete a USD-6-million (EUR 5m) ethanol storage facility in the country's capital of Harare in October, The Herald reports.

The facility, with a capacity to store 3 million litres (792,500 gallons) of ethanol, is designed to help the state oil company maintain sufficient stocks for the country's increased petrol blending rates. The government recently raised the blending ratio to 20% from 15% in an effort to reduce imports, the daily said. Zimbabwe has in the past been forced to relax ethanol blending requirements because of rains disrupting sugarcane harvesting.

Ethanol in Zimbabwe is supplied from a plant in Chisumbanje with a daily capacity of 250,000 litres that is owned by the government and private investors.

Article by Renewables Now: Zimbabwe to increase ethanol storage capacity in Oct - report