The European renewable ethanol association (ePURE) has called for a binding policy framework to promote the use of renewable fuels in transport.  
It has submitted its views to the public consultation on the EU’s new Renewable Energy Directive (REDII) for 2020-2030 which is being drafted this year. The consultation closed last week.   
According the association, the framework should include decarbonisation targets for transport fuels which fuel suppliers must be obliged to meet. Without such targets the take-up of renewable fuels will remain static or even decline given that oil prices are expected to remain low beyond 2020. It also called for a dedicated target for advanced biofuels to support their commercial deployment. 
The association’s recommendations further include raising the blending limits and allowing E20. The EU’s Fuel Quality Directive currently does not permit the supply of petrol with higher than a 10% ethanol content.
“E10 (petrol blended with up to 10% ethanol) is already being used widely in France, Finland and Germany, and along with higher ethanol blend like E20 (up to 20% ethanol) is the most efficient and cost-effective solution to decarbonise transport,” said Robert Wright, secretary-general of ePURE.
The organisation notes that transport is the only sector whose emissions have increased rather than decrease compared to 1990 levels and is expected to become the single most important source of emissions in the EU by 2030.
Provided by SeeNews exclusively for Essentica.