Bacterial infection is among the common obstacles faced by any producer of ethanol. The fermentation process requires specific skills and knowledge to deal with possible contaminations which could lead to obstruction of the process, in which the yeast converts the sugars of maize or wheat in carbon dioxide and ethanol.

The use of antibiotics in order to deal with the harmful bacteria is increasingly losing popularity as a method to solve this problem. Due to the extended social and political dialogue on the subject of residual content of antibiotics in various food products, including DDGS, most of the biofuel producers are looking for ways to reduce the presence of antibiotics in its parallel production.

The negative impact of antibiotics use is reflected in lowering the sales of DDGS exports to countries such as China. Similar problems had years ago importers of DDGS in Greece and Turkey.
The balance in the amount of used additional agents is the key to high-quality production. There are methods that have been developed for removing bacteria in food products, such as DuPont's FermaSure XL or natural hop ferment.
The Bulgarian manufacturer of DDGS Essentica has solved this issue by providing quality control throughout the whole production cycle. "The raw materials we use in Essentica come from  controlled by us land and farms and are repeatedly laboratory tested during the manufacturing process”, says Elena Buchvarova, Head of laboratory. “The traditions that we have inherited, allow us to be precise, combining technological innovations for the production of high quality end product and best management practices. Therefore, our DDGS has no antibiotic left-overs, which makes it a preferred dietary supplement for livestock in Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey, "stated Elena Buchvarova.