US exports of distillers grains (DG) registered a new record of 12.56 million tonnes in 2015, the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) said on Thursday. 
This is up by 11% compared to 2014 and more than double the amount exported in 2009. 
The US shipped DG, a co-product of dry mill ethanol production used by livestock and poultry feeders, to 45 countries last year. China remained the top market, receiving 50% of exports. The association said that China had also remained the most volatile market and that its launch of a second anti-dumping investigation against US DG in late 2015 had caused a decline in exports.
In 2015, exports represented 34% of the country's DG production and were valued at USD 2.94 billion (EUR 2.64bn), down 1% from 2014. At USD 234 per tonne, average export prices were 11% lower than in 2014. 
Earlier in February, RFA released a statistical summary showing that the US exported 836 million gallons (3.17 billion litres) of ethanol in 2015, flat on 2014. Exports represented 5.7% of US ethanol production and were worth USD 1.78 billion. Ethanol imports, meanwhile, totalled 93 million gallons.
Provided by SeeNews exclusively for Essentica.